Vermont South Campus
Families are able to buy and sell uniform items through the Emmaus College Second Hand Uniform Shop.
The Emmaus College Second Hand Uniform Shop is open every Friday between 8am – 4pm during each school term .
- There is no refund or exchange on Second Hand Uniform items purchased.
- We accept EFTPOS, Cash and Cheque.
- Uniforms are sold on a commission basis.
- All items will be priced by the Emmaus College Second Hand Uniform Shop according to their condition.
- The Emmaus College Second Hand Uniform Shop reserves the right not to accept items they consider DO NOT meet the College uniform regulations. Items considered unsaleable will be disposed of without notice.
- All items must be clean and in saleable condition ie no tears, stains, holes, fading, missing buttons or broken zips.
- Blazers must be dry-cleaned with the dry-cleaning tag attached.
- Items not sold after two years will become the property of the College.
- Please note “if you wouldn’t buy it, neither will anyone else!”
A Second Hand Uniform Shop Seller’s form needs to be completed with your details and included with items for sale (please see link below)
Items can be left at the College office during business hours 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday.
All enquiries to uniformshop@emmaus.vic.edu.au
Second Hand Uniform Shop - Seller's Form