“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
Students at Emmaus participate in a rich faith formation program throughout their time at the college. Each program is designed to connect, engage and inspire students on their journey of faith and for each individual to embrace their unique gifts and talents, enabling them to uncover who they are called to be as future leaders and contributors in our world.
Year 12 Retreat Program
The Year 12 Retreat signals the beginning of the final year at Emmaus College for our students. The two-night retreat, in the first week of the school year, is a time for students to step back from the normal routine and rigours of daily life, to make space for aspects of life and spirit that are often overlooked. Students explore the world of relationships and the sacred, and they are encouraged to look forward to the year ahead with hope and determination to achieve their personal best.
Reflection Day Programs
Year 10 students participate in two reflection days that are designed to inspire students to look beyond their own circumstances and make a difference in the world. They are encouraged to consider their gifts and talents and how they can positively contribute to the world around them. Year 10s are also fortunate to hear from the passionate and informative Scott Darlow; a proud Yorta Yorta singer-songwriter and presenter who engages students in an authentic and unique perspective on the history of Australia and First Nation experiences.
Year 9 students engage with the Youth Mission Team in a whole day program that empowers them to see themselves through the lens of love and encourages self-worth.
The Year 8 RE Team facilitate a reflection that inspires student to ‘see God in all things’ including through science, art, nature, meditation, and each other.
Interfaith Learning
Year 11 students, through their study of Religion and Society, attend a workshop and tour at the Islamic Museum of Australia. This experience aims to foster dialogue with another faith tradition in order to authentically learn about, and respect, the religious experiences and traditions of others.
Emmaus has been a member of the Building Bridges Interfaith Network for many years and contributes to the eastern region cluster of secondary schools. Each year, a group of Year 10 students, engage with students from Islamic, Jewish, and Christian schools in the network and connect through sharing food and by participating in enriching conversations and activities.