
Features of VET in Schools

  • VET is a two-year program combining senior school studies and accredited vocational education and training.
  • Enables students to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification (e.g. Certificate II in Hospitality Operations, Certificate II in Engineering, Certificate II in Business, etc.) and a senior school certificate (VCE) at the same time.
  • Allows a student to go directly into employment or receive credit towards further TAFE study.
  • Focuses on students developing industry-specific and workplace skills.
  • It is a vocationally oriented school program designed to meet the needs of industry.

The VET in Schools Program

  • A VET in Schools program is delivered by a registered training organisation (e.g. TAFE), a student’s school or another school close by.
  • Structured Workplace Learning: This involves an employer accepting a student on a one-day-a-week basis or a week-block during school holidays. Structured workplace learning enables the student to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge in an industry setting. During the work placement, a student will have specific tasks to undertake in order to demonstrate competence. They will be regularly monitored and may be assessed on the job.

Contribution to the ATAR

VET is fully incorporated into the VCE. Key features include:

  • VET programs have a Unit 1 – 4 structure. Of the 16 units that make up the VCE, an unlimited number can be VET units.
  • All three sequences other than English can be approved VCE VET Unit 3 & 4 sequences, with study scores.
  • VET programs contribute directly to the ATAR score or as a 5th or 6th subject.

VET Enhances Learning

  • Broadens VCE options.
  • Develops students’ capacity to make decisions and solve problems.
  • Helps students to gain confidence and improve communication and interpersonal skills through learning in an adult environment.
  • Fosters positive feedback by enabling students to demonstrate specific skills and competency.
  • Matches student interests and career directions through the provision of strong pathways.

VET Gives National Qualifications and Skills

  • Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a nationally accredited vocational training certificate.
  • VET qualification articulates directly into further education and training at TAFE through documented pathway agreements.
  • VET provides access to a range of different technologies related to the type and place of work.

VET Prepares Students for the Workforce

  • Multiple post-school opportunities.
  • Provides the opportunity to try a career. Helps students explore possible areas of interest which promote further study and work choices.
  • Allows a student to develop strong links with industry and local community employers, i.e. students may be offered part-time/casual work.
  • Improves employment prospects.
  • Helps students gain knowledge of employers’ expectations and real working conditions.
  • Develops their capacity for cooperation, teamwork and leadership skill development.
  • Assists in transition from school to work.

Emmaus VET Course Requirements

Mullum Cluster

Typically Emmaus students enrol in Mullum Cluster VET certificates. This secondary school-based co-operative aims to offer reasonably priced programs each Wednesday afternoon. This arrangement allows VCE timetables to incorporate VET studies and means that VCE subject selections can be managed in conjunction with this pathway. The Mullum Cluster is a cooperative group of 34 Government, Catholic and Independent schools and Independent Providers operating in partnership. They are assisted by the Gateway and Outer Eastern Local and Employment Networks. The Cluster offers a broad range of VET programs in a school environment at a cost-effective rate. The Mullum Cluster aims to bring the benefits of VET programs to as great a number of students as possible who reside in the Eastern corridor of Victoria.

The Inner Melbourne VET Cluster also provides these services.

Box Hill, Swinburne, William Angliss and Holmesglen

Approval may be given for students to enrol at courses that are available through Box Hill, Swinburne, William Angliss, Holmesglen and other secondary colleges nearby.

Mullum Enrolment Requirements

Students enrolling in a VET program through the Mullum Cluster will be required to complete a commitment form covering their code of conduct. Further to this, additional course requirements set out by the Cluster must also be adhered to. It is important that parents and students take time to read the course requirements before submitting an enrolment form. All requirements will be detailed in the Mullum Cluster Handbook

VET at Emmaus

  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates may be completed as part of the VCE.
  • VET is an integral component of the VCE Vocational Major pathway.

VET Fees and Subsidy

  • VET certificates attract an additional expense to families. Fees and equipment costs for students vary from approximately $1500 – $3500 per subject, per year. Emmaus College bills the additional costs using the same payment cycle as the Emmaus school fees.  Equipment costs are also incurred in each VET course and these expenses are also passed on using these payment cycles.

VET Enrolment Requirements

  • Students selecting the VET/VCE pathway may only enrol in VET courses that schedule classes Wednesday afternoons or out-of-school hours.
  • Students are required to complete VET studies and work placements during semester breaks.
  • Students must attend the mandatory Orientation session at the host school.
  • Final approval of your VET enrolment is granted by the College.

Please note: Once students commence a VET course, the full VET fee is incurred and no refund is provided if the students decides to discontinue the course after the VET census date.

VET Timetable

Emmaus VCE students may only enrol in VET courses that commence after 1 pm each Wednesday (special consideration may be given to VET courses outside of these times).

For further information please contact VET Co-ordinator Robert Mulholland.