German 1 & 2
The course aims to consolidate the material covered in Year 7 and 8. During the year the students will systematically deal with a wider range of vocabulary, grammar and expressions as presented in their text book KATZENSPRUNG 2.
Topics covered include:
Places and buildings in Tutzing, a Bavarian town, street names, summer and winter sports, transport, café food, higher numbers, clothes, prices, describing people, the weather and making plans. Places and buildings in town, giving and asking for directions, summer and winter sports, transport, café food, clothes, prices, describing people, the weather and making plans, comparing things.
Cultural themes linked with these linguistic topics are:
Sights and attractions in Munich and Bavaria, German cakes and desserts, fashion, festivals, a visit to the cuckoo restaurant at the beginning of Term 3, cooking in class with the German exchange students.
Ausvels Dimensions of Language learning include:
- Communicating via learning the knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable them to listen, speak, read, view and write in German.
- Intercultual knowledge and language awareness
Learning focus includes, through class participation and completion of Teaching & Learning Tasks:
- Writing pieces
- Film making
- Role plays
- German Films
- Cooking
Requirements for German include
- weekly study/revision of grammar and vocabulary
- ICT-Tasks
- Homework tasks as consolidation exercises
- Assignments
- Listening Comprehension Tasks
- Speaking Tasks
- Reading Comprehension Tasks
- Written activities
- Oral
- Culture Research Tasks
- Semester Examination
Indonesian 1 & 2
Year 9 Indonesian emphasises a thematic approach to learning, with a strong communicative and practical focus that expands on knowledge developed in Year 7 and 8. The primary focus will be on the following topics sporting and leisure activities, Indonesian film and cinema, celebrations, and travel. To enhance their oral-communication skills, grammar and vocabulary knowledge, students will have the option of competing in the annual Indonesian speaking competition at Melbourne University. Students will continue to develop their understanding and appreciation of the cultural and ethnic diversities that exist throughout the Indonesian archipelago. A variety of technology will be utilised by the students to present their work and enhance their language learning.
Areas of Study
- Directions
- Sport and Recreation
- Travel to Indonesia
- Ceremonies & Celebrations
Curriculum Strands
- Communicating
- Understanding
Requirements for Indonesian
- Weekly study/revision of grammar and vocabulary
- Homework tasks as consolidation exercises
- Assignments
- Listening Comprehension Tasks
- Speaking Tasks
- Reading Comprehension Tasks
- Written activities
- Oral
- Culture Research Tasks
- Semester Examination
Italian 1 & 2
The learning of a language nurtures reflective, deep and creative thinking in specific ways. It allows students to cultivate culturally distinctive fields of knowledge, and stimulates their awareness of intellectual functioning. In Year 9 Italian, students will continue to explore topics and themes presented in the Parliamo Italiano Insieme 1 Textbook. Students consolidate and enhance their linguistic knowledge by learning new vocabulary and grammar using Education Perfect and by demonstrating their understanding of topics, through various assessment items. In Year 9 Italian, students will be using various ICT skills to produce work and teachers also will present topics to students using various teaching tools which are enjoyable and engaging for both teacher and student.
Areas of Study
- Shopping
- Food culture
- Weather
- Health
- Free time
Curriculum Strands
- Communicating
- Understanding
- Listening Comprehension Tasks
- Speaking Tasks
- Reading Comprehension Tasks
- Written activities
- Oral/ poetry recitals
- Culture Research Tasks
- Semester Examination