We look forward to welcoming back our Year 8, 9 and 10 students on Monday morning!
Ours is a great school community and it has been too long since we have been able to see you in person … and so we are all excited for Monday.
We know that you are looking forward to seeing your friends (and your teachers!) and reconnecting with Emmaus people, in-person.
Some key points for the return to school are:
- Please wear your mask at all times. The only exception is when you are eating or drinking ; please sit to eat in the one place and then when you get up to move, please refit your mask
- Please practice good hand hygiene. There will be sanitiser provided around the College, please make sure you are using it regularly and washing your hands with soap regularly
- Please practice social distancing
- If you have any symptoms, please stay at home and get a COVID test. Please let school know
- Please be considerate of other people. Understandably, there are people in our community who may be more concerned with COVID than you are. Please respect this and act in COVID-safe ways around them
- Unless it is raining, all buildings will be closed to students at recess and lunch. Out in the open air is safest for everybody. When you arrive at school in the morning, please wait outside until the bell goes for you to enter the buildings
- Wear your summer uniform. If you are not able to wear your summer uniform, or you have sport/PE, wear your PE uniform. Let your Pastoral Teacher know if there is an issue with your summer uniform
- Buses will run as usual
- Year 8s, we will start with Extended Pastoral during Period One on Monday, welcoming you back to onsite learning
- Year 9s, Mr Di Camillo and the Y9@E teachers are looking forward to greeting you and welcoming you back to Burwood. Mr Di Camillo will have more information for you
- Year 10s, we will go straight into Period One classes
- La Strada will be open as normal. Lunch orders are preferred
We look forward to seeing you Monday morning!