School photos for Years 7, 8, 10, 11 & 12 will take place on Thursday 6 February 2020 at the Vermont South Campus.
Students should have received a School Pix photo pack order form from their Pastoral Teacher. Please note that these forms are individualised with their own separate codes.
Please note the following:
- All students will need to have their photo taken, regardless of whether they are making a purchase of photos or not;
- Ordering options and instructions are clearly outlined on the photo pack order form and can be made online. However, students also have the option to pay on the day by enclosing cash in the photo pack which can be given directly to the photographer. Payments are direct to School Pix and not to any teaching staff or the Cashier;
- Uniform requirements are as follows:
- Full Summer Uniform (Students with a scheduled PE class will need to bring their PE Uniform);
- Blazers are to be worn;
- Dress and shirt collars to be worn over the blazer lapel;
- No make-up;
- Student’s hair must not cover their face;
- Only a single pony tail tied at the back of the head will be permitted;
- Only Royal Blue ribbons or headbands are to be worn.