Year 7
Religious Education

The Religious Education curriculum is developed from To Know, Worship and Love, a Religious Education Curriculum for Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The curriculum is designed so that students can explore, understand and come to know the essential elements of the Christian Tradition.

Deep understanding and knowing often comes through experience so while students learn about prayer, reflection, sacramental and liturgical life opportunities to experience these are given to students. The positive commitment and respectful attitude to the Religious Education program of the College is a central part of the enrolment pledge agreed to by both student and parent.

The Religious Education curriculum is developed from To Know, Worship and Love, a Religious Education Curriculum for Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The curriculum is designed so that students can explore, understand and come to know the essential elements of the Christian Tradition. Deep understanding and knowing often comes through experience so while students learn about prayer, reflection, sacramental and liturgical life opportunities to experience these are given to students. The positive commitment and respectful attitude to the Religious Education program of the College is a central part of the enrolment pledge agreed to by both student and parent.

The Dimensions of Religious Education

Religious Knowledge and Understanding

This dimension develops the knowledge and understanding of the key practices and beliefs of Christian communities both past and present.

Reasoning and Responding

This dimension focuses on the development of particular ways of thinking and acting that arise out of Christian knowledge and understanding. The combination of knowledge and reasoning will enable students to respond to Catholic tradition and its call to contribute to the building of the reign of God.

Personal and Communal Engagment

This dimension focuses on the nurturing of the spiritual life, the importance of belonging to the faith community and engagement in community service. It is within this dimension that the Religious Education curriculum extends beyond the classroom to include retreats, the sacramental life of the Church, community service, leadership formation and contribution to civic and faith communities

Areas of Study

  • Church and Community
  • School and Church Communities (Focus on the formation of Emmaus College; The Emmaus story; House Patrons)
  • Scripture and Jesus
  • The Word of God as Sacred Story
  • Key Stories and People in the Old Testament
  • The Liturgical Year – Seasons explored appropriate to the Church calendar
  • God and People in Creation
  • The Word of God as Sacred Story
  • Key Stories and People in the Old Testament  (Focus on Scripture from the Old Testament)
  • Ways People Pray
  • Christian Ideals: Moral Decisions (Focus on conscience formation)
  • Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament – opportunities to participate throughout the year


  • Extended Assignments
  • I-Movies/mock documentaries
  • Worksheets
  • Class Exercises
  • Semester Examination